About Us
This is Petra
A Little History
This is where it all starts! Pauline Petra Draculich. My Mom.
Pauline and her 11 siblings are first generation Americans. My Mother when she married my father as he was joining the military, legally dropped her middle name because it wasnt “American enough”. My loving mother adored poodles, children, and regretted dropping Petra from her formal name until her passing in 2017.
Growing up in the 70’s with my 3 siblings and traveling the world due to our fathers continued career in the US Air Force, we all were plagued with allergies, lung and skin. We all desired and couldnt live without having a pet to love so Poodles were the logical choice due to our ailments.
What we found in Poodles was life long problem solvers, good listeners and nurturers. Our first poodle Venus(we were studying the planets in school at the time) was a minature black companion. Venus kept my secrets, I confided in her and we grew up together supporting each other along the way.
One of my childhood pastimes was making my version of Hallmark Cards for any and every occasion.(Still do to this day) My company trade mark was Polish Puppy Pharm with a puppy foot print. My uncles were held in concertration camps in Poland and I dont know how a 8 year old little girls mind works but it stuck. Also as a 8 year old I told the family I was going to grow up have alot of land and raise big standard poodles.
Petras Poodle Pharm is born.
This is for all allergy sufferers, folks needing companions/service pets, and unconditional love from Family members. This is also for all people but especially the first generation Americans. The hardships and hypocrisy you faced for all of us to have a better life, we hear you, honor you and appreciate your hard work and sacrifices.